No New Coal Mines

For the leaders of Pacific nations that lie just metres above sea level, climate change is a matter of life and death.

That's why His Excellency Anote Tong, former President of the Republic of Kiribati, wrote to world leaders ahead of the Paris climate summit, asking them to back a global moratorium on new coal mines and coal mine expansions.

HE's letter thumbnail

"What we are talking about is survival, it's not about economic development... it's not politics, it's survival," - President Tong.

Several other Pacific Island nations immediately backed the President's call, calling for global moratorium on new coal mines, and for carbon emissions to be capped at a level that will stop global average temperatures rising more than 1.5 degrees Celsius when they appeared before the United Nations.

The global moratorium on new coal mines has also received widespread support from key figures including Lord Nicholas Stern, Naomi Klein and Kumi Naidoo.

Since No New Coal Mines was launched, the United States, China and Indonesia have announced domestic moratoria on new coal mines.



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latest blog posts

Open Letter to World Leaders

Open Letter in the Sydney Morning Herald

Numerous prominent Australians -- including authors, activists, athletes, scientists, and public health professionals -- have joined together to sign an open letter urging French President Hollande and World Leaders to put coal exports on the agenda at the 2015 Paris COP21 climate summit, and to help the world's governments negotiate a global moratorium on new coal mines.

View the full page letter here, or scroll down to see the names of signatories below.

Join the growing call for a global moratorium on new coal mines
> add your name to the petition

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Carmichael Mine vs World Cities

With Greg Hunt approving the Carmichael coal mine, let's review the incredible vastness of this mine.

It's so enormous that sometimes it's easy to forget (or hard to believe) that this is *just one* Aussie coal mine.

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In case you missed it this week.

The UK is promising to close plants by 2023 because greenhouse gases;
Citigroup is withdrawing funding for coal;
the cost of wind and solar is falling worldwide;
new research shows how coal & gas industry get their way in QLD;
and Pacific Climate Warriors meet Pope Francis.

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In case you missed it.

Our top-five takeaways for this week: the world falls well short on climate pledges; make coal companies pay to clean up their own mess; is Glencore the resource sector's Lehman Brothers?; half of global coal output not worth digging up; and research shows that 6 out of 10 Australians think Big Business and Mining Companies have too much influence.


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Join these organisations supporting no new coal mines